1997 ~ 2001
Undergraduate education at Paris XI University, Orsay, France
(1997 ~ 1999)
DEUG (2nd year degree), Life Sciences
(1999 ~ 2000)
Licence (B. Sc. 3rd year), Cellular and Molecular Biology
(2000 ~ 2001)
Maîtrise (B. Sc. 4th year), Cellular Biology and Physiology
2000 ~ 2001
M.Sc., Plant Adaptation and Development, University of Montpellier II, Montpellier, France
2003 ~ 2006
Ph.D., Plant Molecular Physiology, National Graduate School of Agronomy, Montpellier, France
2007.04 ~ 2013.05
The Sainsbury Laboratory, Post-doctoral researcher (박사후연구원)
2013.05 ~ 2015.10
Massey University, Post-doctoral researcher (박사후연구원)
2015.10 ~ 2016.08
Postech, Research Assistant Professor (연구조교수)
2016.09 ~ 2020.08
서울대학교 식물생산과학부 조교수
2020.09 ~ 현재
서울대학교 농림생물자원학부(겸 식물생산과학부) 부교수